Reasons to Visit My “Veggie World”

Do you really love animals? or just some of them…? making sense process:

First of all if you care about the environment you should know that the meat industry pollutes more our planet than all transportation in the world combined (cars, planes, boats, trains). FACT!

Second, you are responsible for what you do and you are also searching for your own truth, right? Then, you should at least know how much impact you are causing with your actions, for it is impossible to act coherent in your life if you don’t stand for what you think and do, also indifference and ignorance will just bring no bases whatsoever to discuss this, to have a factual point of view and to have a right to speak wisely about this.

Third, denial is worse than anything else when you don’t want to see the truth, when you think it is just too sad to watch or too cruel… well you are part of this, you should feel a strong will to act, that is why you need a strong way to be conscious about the reality of things, about truth.

“There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.” -Goethe


So, I know how people sometimes need some courage, motivation and strong reasons to change or act… Here are some motivational quotes from some people that will help you understand how going vegetarian is: not a gay thing, not an over reacting emotional state, nor a stupid thing to do when you stumble with people you know that make or made an incredible impact in history of human kind or even inspired you somehow. You know that psychologically and emotionally speaking, when you feel you are not alone and that people supports your decisions and your moral beliefs, you are more susceptible to act and change differently from what you believed before, at least try to imagine… Hope that with this you can find a reason to try and look at the world in a higher perspective.

Famous and historical vegetarians, from Aristotle to Eddie Vedder (Pearl Jam) here are some quotes from people you may know…

“Earth can provide enough to satisfy everyone’s need, but not everyone’s greed.” -Mahatma Ghandi

“I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men.” -Leonardo Da Vinci

 “The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them, that’s the essence of inhumanity.” –George Bernard Shaw

 “If we each had to butcher our own meat, there would be a great increase in the number of vegetarians.” -Ernest Howard Crosby

“Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.” -Albert Schweitzer

“I am a very strict vegetarian. …I just really, really love animals, and I act on my values.” -Natalie Portman

“As long as there are slaughterhouses… there will be battlefields.” -Leo Tolstoy

“Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty. Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.” -Albert Einstein

“The factory meat industry has polluted thousands of miles of America’s rivers, killed billions of fish, pushed tens of thousands of family farmers off their land, sickened and killed thousands of U.S. citizens, and treated millions of farm animals with unspeakable and unnecessary cruelty.” -Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

“If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men.” -St. Francis of Assis

“I am not systematic at all when it comes to religion. I just love life. And I’m not judgmental. And I’m a vegetarian.” -Erykah Badu 

“The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man.” -Charles Darwin

“As long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seeds of murder and pain cannot reap the joy of love.” -Pythagoras

“Animals are my friends… and I don’t eat my friends.”  -George Bernard Shaw

“You have just dined, and however scrupulously the slaughterhouse is concealed in the graceful distance of miles, there is complicity.”  -Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The Veggie World” Featuring: Arthur Schopenhauer, Bob Marley, Billy Idol, Bob Dylan, Barry White, Charles Darwin, Carlos Santana, George Harrison, Paul McArtney, Chris Martin (Coldplay), Franz Kafka, Geoff Rowley, Gwyneth Paltrow, India Arie, Jack Johnson, Jason Mraz, Jennifer Connelly, Jim Carrey, Joaquin Phoenix, John Lennon, Johnny Cash, Joss Stone, Kate Winslet, Kim Basinger, Leonardo DiCaprio, Madonna, Michael Bolton, Miguel de Cervantes, Mike Tyson, Moby, Oliver Stone, Orlando Bloom, Paco Oviedo, Ringo Starr, Rob Zombie, Rousseau, Russel Crowe, Sade, Samuel L. Jackson, Socrates, Saint Agustine, Steven Jobs (Mac), Steve Vai, Thom Yorke, Thomas Alva Edison, Tom Morello, Tommy Lee, Tracy Chapman, Volataire, Zach De La Rocha and MORE!

To become vegetarian can be something you can find original in what you have chosen to be your identity, because it comes within and not from any social influence, but this time, you have now a big social influence by having a huge backup of admirable and outstanding people. The truth is I do feel less ignorant due to my actions are not contradicting, hope you feel the same way too 🙂

Get rid of your ignorance!

Re-evolución Mexicana

Mexicanos: ¿Cuándo nos podremos levantar como lo está haciendo España, Alemania, Francia, Grecia, Chile, etc.? Si en Egipto todo empezó con Facebook, ¿Por qué no imitar lo bueno?




Necesitamos entrar en una crisis para el re-nacimiento de una conciencia superior a la racional que llevamos alimentando durante todos estos siglos. Sólamente entrando en crisis podremos encontrarle un sentido y una razón para cambiar, dejándonos llevar por los sentimientos, ya sean positivos o negativos que inyecten una fuerza interior, una urgencia para actuar.


El entrar en crisis será de manera emocional (o espiritual), para que así podamos disolver nuestras máscaras (nuestro ego) y podamos reconstruir un ser que lo guíe el amor y la unión como mexicanos, donde la identidad diversificada del mexicano ahora sea encabezada por el guía cósmico, se hará uno con la conciencia colectiva, la conciencia que se acerca al amor universal y donde las fronteras mentales se desintegran.


La crisis se creará por la fuerza creada en el choque de dualidades y polaridades que existan en cualquier nivel vibratorio, conciente e inconciente. En México, existe una peculiar característica de incluir un porcentaje mayor de dualidades que en cualquier otro lugar.


Hablemos de la diversidad cultural étnica (Huicholes, Huastecos, Zapotecos, Mayas, Castizos, etc.), económica (Carlos Slim el hombre más rico del mundo y la pobreza extrema) , lingüística (más de 300 dialectos), geográfica (Clima, flora y fauna), etc. Todos incluyen una fuerza extrema en cuestiones duales.

La vibración de polaridades o dualidades en crisis que este país ha estado desarrollando es pieza clave para la iniciación de un movimiento colectivo de re-evolución.


Los Mayas predijeron la desintegración de los sistemas de control, pero en nosotros queda que se cumpla. En su pasado ellos confiaban en nuestro nivel de conciencia al que llegaríamos. Hoy, debemos creer en nosotros mismos. Creer es Crear. Creer en nuestra fuerza interior, creará un camino de amor consciente.

No podemos contradecirnos tanto, el hecho de ésto, ya es una polaridad, el problema es ignorar la contradicción. Al ser consciente de nuestra contradicción, será la crisis individual en la que entraremos para transformar nuestras acciones. Si nos alimentamos de violencia, carne muerta y animales asesinados brutalmente, entonces generamos violencia, aún que sea indirectamente, violencia genera violencia y todo se expande a escalas, consecuencias que no imaginamos e ignoramos o peor aún, actuamos indiferentes.

Amor consciente, no ciego

Expande tu voz, todos tenemos el poder y la fuerza de hacerlo!

“Voz consciente + voz organizada = participación ciudadana.” -Memo Morales


“La paz no se puede alcanzar por la fuerza, sólo se puede lograr a través del entendimiento de la misma.” -Albert Einstein 


“Para que EXISTA la paz, primero hay que CREER en ella.” -Pato Hinojosa

Death ≠ Fear


1) When you are affraid of something, your mind tricks you and makes you think things that aren’t there, and even worse, it tricks you so bad that sometimes the fear gets worse eventhough it isn’t real.

2) Your thoughts may be transformed, directly affecting your emotions, but again, in an illusive way.

Death is ought to be feared as we fear the unknown, we fear mystery and inevitability; As we are always trying to understand everything, trying to explain everything, but man itself is a mystery, women are a mystery, everything that exists is a mystery and all our efforts to figure it out are going to inevitably fail.

What we can mysteriously do, is try to find peace of mind analizing death as a sacrifice for us, for those who live; As it adds stronger value to your life, as it offers you a chance to change as deep, strong and intense as your heart was touched due to its absence and also it gives you a crucial power to overcome many other situations in the future.

By deeply understanding your emotional attachments, you will feel, in a sense, a peaceful understanding to death as an inevitable process of life. Pain and sadness are just a mental creation of the twisted perspective learnt and created by a twisted society, but we should focus on death as a tool to expand our consciousness and our heart towards life, we could even be thankful and honored for anything that happens around us that gives us a chance to collectively grow.

The challenge is try to understand that everything happens for good and reduce your suffering, you just have to try, to feel the will to see things in a higher level.

It might be seen, in a way, that the emotional affected person is being internally defragmented, but now try to analize it from above; All crisis happen for you to reconstruct your self-being into something stronger, most importantly, with more chances to create, transform and evolve yourself in a wiser way.

You can also try and find spiritual peace, when you truly understand your process, the sadness and suffering, you will be more open to your emotional side, being deeply touched by a closer death will immediately help you find empathy with another suffering person in a similar situation. When you find empathy, then you understand, when you understand, you become aware of compassion.

Rearrange yourself with the infinite possibilities that are being given away in every moment of your life, specially those that involve strong emotions, death, sickness, elderly and thus suffering because your identity can be rebuilt as it entered in an emotional collapse with stronger reasons to do or see things differently.

If you want to understand things, change them. Change your perspective about things, nothing is absolute but relative so you have the right to be constantly changing… changing for good, becoming a better person.

Please take a closer view to the 4 noble truths about life, which buddhism shares with my common sense.

1. Life means suffering.

To live means to suffer, because the human nature is not perfect and neither is the world we live in. During our lifetime, we inevitably have to endure physical suffering such as pain, sickness, injury, tiredness, old age, and eventually death; and we have to endure psychological suffering like sadness, fear, frustration, disappointment, and depression. Although there are different degrees of suffering and there are also positive experiences in life that we perceive as the opposite of suffering, such as ease, comfort and happiness, life in its totality is imperfect and incomplete, because our world is subject to impermanence. This means we are never able to keep permanently what we strive for, and just as happy moments pass by, we ourselves and our loved ones will pass away one day, too.

2. The origin of suffering is attachment.

The origin of suffering is attachment to transient things and the ignorance thereof. Transient things do not only include the physical objects that surround us, but also ideas, and -in a greater sense- all objects of our perception. Ignorance is the lack of understanding of how our mind is attached to impermanent things. The reasons for suffering are desire, passion, ardour, pursuit of wealth and prestige, striving for fame and popularity, in short: Perfecting your ego. The idea of a “self” which is a delusion, because there is no abiding self. What we call “self” (the ego) is just an imagined entity, and we are merely a part of the ceaseless becoming of the universe.

The objects of our attachment are transient, their loss is inevitable, thus suffering will necessarily follow.

3. The cessation of suffering is attainable.

The cessation of suffering can be attained through nirodha. Nirodha means the unmaking of sensual craving and conceptual attachment. The third noble truth expresses the idea that suffering can be ended by attaining dispassion. Nirodha extinguishes all forms of clinging and attachment. This means that suffering can be overcome through human activity, simply by removing the cause of suffering. Attaining and perfecting dispassion is a process of many levels that ultimately results in the state of Nirvana. Nirvana means freedom from all worries, troubles, complexes, fabrications and ideas. Nirvana is not comprehensible for those who have not attained it.

4. The path to the cessation of suffering.

There is a path to the end of suffering – a gradual path of self-improvement, which is described more detailed in the Eightfold Path. It is the middle way between the two extremes of excessive self-indulgence (hedonism) and excessive self-mortification (asceticism); and it leads to the end of the cycle of rebirth. The latter quality discerns it from other paths which are merely “wandering on the wheel of becoming”, because these do not have a final object. The path to the end of suffering can extend over many lifetimes, throughout which every individual rebirth is subject to karmic conditioning. Craving, ignorance, delusions, and its effects will disappear gradually, as progress is made on the path.

“All duality is a mind creation, all duality is created by the clinging and attached mind. When there is no attachment there is no duality.” -Osho

Random (silly) Thoughts

-”I accidentally realized that human error is an artistic way to express our humble and imperfect state of spiritual evolution”

-”With this tech evolution, connecting with more people than ever, we’ll reach to the point where we’re gonna be able to understand each other in a more efficient way; with more random people each time in our lives bringing a chain reaction of possibilities and perspectives about true life experiences, that hopefully will make us find more empathy with one another… where the pattern that we’ve been following; only caring about who’s close to us will be transformed into pure compassion with the unfamiliar…”

-”You’re not crazy”

“Some of us are gonna start to realize that we are all one and that we are all connected in a very funny way; as when you meet someone that talks like you or laughs like you… that kind of ”coincidences” but x10… so sit back and enjoy the next part of your movie, dont freak out! just remember life’s a collective funny process so u can choose to be happy here and now ALWAYS”


“Gravity exists so we can look up to something… we are what we see, the perception of inferiority; being ‘under’ the stars or ‘bellow’ God, is just a metaphor, a poem about humbleness of our true light power”

-”The biggest dream for me would be to live my dreams while helping everyone to live their dreams as well, freeing myself from egocentric selfishness, wanting nothing in return cus I am already where I wanted to be, feeding my soul with light from a random goodness side project… This is my ideal for compassion, feel strong enough, big enough and complete in order to help complete others finding empathy… which this also will bring honesty and trust between us all, freeing ourselves from repression, fear and inhibitions that makes us evolve slower and inefficiently…”


Death is the only truth and life dances around it; pleasures, beauties, dreams, abstract ideas about the awakening of our spirit… nevertheless death is the center, the disco-ball of life – *metaphor death; with an upside down heart-shaped nose meaning hate/fear, with half vision of mirrors, half vision of luck… is our perspective of time broken by death, dreams… or enlightenment?”

– ”Mayans predicted that systems controlling with fear will vanish, they also predicted that collective consciousness will change the way we perceive things, we will have this evolution, not by getting drunk acting like stupid monkeys every weekend talking about the same stupid sh*t, we should talk about things that matter, manifesting creativity and our dynamic human spirit that refuses to submit with the systems of control…”

– “I believe that these terrible things happening in the world will take away our happiness and in a sense, our identity, but they won’t take the awareness of our spirit of mind… we will be “forced” into compassion; more humane actions that weren’t part of our daily proof of self identity, that will lean humanity to evolve emotionally higher. We will also have these friends and family reunions more often, we will share wise talks and wise feeling expressions, we will use this internet tool more often… Write and read more things like this crazy idea… instead of using other ways that can easily call the attention of those who hate these kind of re-evolutionary thinking, internet is the best option, way beyond the reach of ctiricism…”

-”And now, as Rodrigo Amezcua, my inner light beams are trying harder than ever to pierce my material coverings, lighting up where shadows of fear still rely in me every-time I come back as human…”

-The Search of Empathy:

”The universe is expanding, dividing… just like your ego does, your ego creates the illusion of your identity, analyzing how you are better or less than someone, focusing on the differences. The ego divides us from each other, from the light source, from the core of the cosmos, but whenever we start taming our ego and being aware of the beauty, of the light within us all, aware that we are all one and start connecting with the link we all share between everything that exists, then I believe that the universe will start to contract again…”

– ”For me the best dream might not just be having the will to become the best in what you do, but having faith (in advance) that right after you achieve that feel the urge to change the world and help others to achieve their dreams too, otherwise your mind will be corrupted just like everyone else that has ever existed, becoming another irrelevant social model…”

– ”My mind is beneath a beautiful tree trying to find out the cure for society’s metathesiofobia…”

– ”Be honest with everyone (beginning with yourself): if you keep any feeling or thought, you are just going manifest it in many ways: music, anger, painting, sickness, dancing, alcoholism, dreams, etc. this is the reality of today’s social evolutionary paradigm. You see some beauty in art because it is the dualistic answer to negative creativity, but there is something else, something revolutionary, we should look for it! Oh right… but first we have to be honest.”

– ”The world is shitty right now cus we need to overcome our fears, laziness, the denial of what your inner voice tells you and denying what we feel, in two words: denying truth… how far these crazy bad things and events have to go so you can realize you have to live right now in this moment and do what you really love to do or love to feel? how many people have to keep on sacrifying their lives for you to open your eyes, your heart, your spirit…?”

– ”There is no such thing as an external enemy, no matter what that voice in your head is telling you, ALL perception of an enemy, is a projection of the ego as the enemy…in that sense you can say that a 100% of our external enemies are of our own creation, your greatest enemy is your own inner perception, your own ignorance, your own ego…” (paraphrase)

– “Everything is connected, if you could learn to love yourself, then you would have the capability to love everything that exists, and when you realize that there are no coincidences, therefore every detail has it’s meaning and reason, you’ll love every moment of your existance…”

-“If society hasn’t changed enough to the highest level of consciousness, it means that there hasn’t been enough reasons to change yet”

Pay It Forward 2.1

‘All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind and heart.” ~ Aristotle

This project is focused on a more humane way to see this life and what’s happening nowadays with this world, the lost values and the new ones that need to come out ASAP…

It all started when I first started cleaning tables at a Disney World Resort, as I figured out how nobody cares and everyone ignores your work and all the things you do as an employee to satisfy the needs of every guest.

This project is quite similar to the movie pay it forward, but focused in jobs or duties people need to do in order to live or survive. It all lies in monetary motivation where the humane part is lost. In America the motivation is money and nothing besides.

So this idea came out when I was hoping someone could notice my effort and my hard work, as if they do, they would help me to complete it on time with a compassionate vision. This wish was the first thing that started this chain of favors with me, I will now value the work of others and try to help them as much as I can, ”leave things a little bit better than how you found them in first place”, if this keeps growing and happening, people who receive this favor or extra effort from you, will receive an extra motivation, a humanized motivation where they will feel a little bit better that day and hopefully they will consider on doing the same things to others as you just set an example for them.

The main point is for you to experience the hard job of another one for an instant, to make it as if you were being payed to do so and then just be thankful that you don’t have to do that for living.

This will lead to an incredible result if it is applied by everyone exponentially. If everyone could make this little favors for one another, then the main motivational aspect will be HUMANE and not MATERIAL… therefore if we all cooperate and feel empathic for one another, discovering equality, justice and fairness all that makes you feel oneness in the eyes of a helpless, defenseless or underprivileged person.

New and transformed values will come out not only theoretically but practically; involving spiritual and psychological experiences.

This project can madly abolish capitalism some day, pure utopic sense of speaking… one day everyone will understand the wholeness of the context of these words. But this is just another radical idea, a strong feeling of compassion has to come with it just because I just can’t stand the unmotivated empty people and even more the people in need in this world as the picture bellow shows… Just try to practice random kindness and to empathize with one another as much as you can. Without being strict or demanding just because you have certain power or money… embrace the power of your heart instead.

“The trouble is that rich people, well-to-do people, very often don’t really know who the poor are; and that is why we can forgive them, for knowledge can only lead to love, and love to service. And so, if they are not touched by them, it’s because they do not know them” — Mother Teresa


Light Recycling Meditation

I discovered this way of meditation when I was passing through some hard times in my life, feeling lonely and with no motivation at all. It all started when I was sitting under a tree feeling depressed, then I suddenly started thinking about the times that I have felt this way, different situations that made me feel sad or depressed. I started picturing myself the time where I lost my grandfather and how I was sad and felt helpless… Then automatically an idea came into my mind where I tried to send light or a feeling of peace to that younger Rodrigo who was sadly suffering in the past, but as I am today, because now I am aware how that loss experience helped me grow, so I felt strong enough to send that sort of calmness and peace to him (me) about that subject… and interestingly, I started to feel better because I’ve never thought about sending good energy and calmness to the Rodrigo that was sad about his loss, eventhough I’ve thought about that day several times, I’ve never stopped to do such a thing, i was just thinking about the past in such an empty way that it didn’t change a thing… but this time, it did change something.

Then another idea popped into my mind… where I hardly tried to picture myself but now in the future, where I was also sending this light to myself for my present situation. I started to pretend I was receiving calmness and peace from that person, from that ‘me’ in the future where he is more experienced, with more knowledge and wiser about the subject that made me feel unmotivated in that present moment.

(I first started to feel better but my doubts and disbeliefs about these thoughts started to come.)

Then my mind and feelings started to work against it, in a way that I was able to understand in a phylosophical way that as we are quitescentially ourselves all the time and time is relative-non-existant, we remain the same, we are the same escence in past, present and future, so that “light” or “peace sending” is just a way to recycle your own love for yourself, (BALANCE) bringing you peace and some sort of company with yourself with calmness.

As you should know you are alone in this world, you die alone and your friends and family will not always be there for you, these keeps bringing fear and suffering to everyone, but it is a fact.

You don’t need anything, you have already everything that you need to be happy, in peace and in love with yourself. Picture yourself as the last person standing on earth, (you might feel like that whenever you are sad though).

So, practice these as much as your sad times come, you will automatically start to feel better and calmed and you can even start creating a crazy story where you might remember that time when your granpa died and you were crying, then back then you suddenly stopped crying and you don’t know why… well it could’ve been because of the light recycling. It is a creative example and probably stupid but this might help you to work on your emotional and material attachments.


Our reflexive spirit’s cycle (recycle) but just in another scale and perspective, in a complete awareness may give you peace of mind, at least try…




“No trates de ser todo para tu pareja; admite que busque en otros lo que tú no puedes darle.” -Gurdjieff

El amor que creemos que existe.

El amor neurótico que se nos ha heredado y el que se publica en los medios es como querer encontrar a un pájaro; cortejarlo (ya sea siguiendo la moda o yendo en contra del sistema en un baile instintivo de nuestra sed de supervivencia) tomarlo y meterlo en una jaula para nuestro deleite o por patrones sociales.

Nuestro afecto ayuda a que esté feliz, sobrevive si lo alimentamos de semillas de amor y tratamos de ser fieles para que no muera sediento de luz por la ceguera de los celos.

Nuestro allazgo es siempre tan único y especial, que intentamos construir la jaula más bella y cómoda, la perfección que percibimos del ave ahora es contemplada para el gozo del reflejo estético de nuestro ego.

Su compañía puede llegar a ser una insaciable sensación de alegría y su canto una necesidad para nuestros sentidos, pero aún así, dentro de una jaula forjada de ideas posesivas, celos y co-dependencia bañada en oro.

También creemos tener al mejor pájaro, pero finalmente su libertad está privada por mucho que creamos tener una mente abierta, inconcientemente absorbemos todo de él hasta consumir su razón de existencia, y nuestra dependencia y necesidad, despluma su máximo potencial.

Por eso creo que es más sabio y enriquecedor ver pasar una parvada de pájaros.

Ver pasar un pájaro aún que sea por un segundo, pero estando presente y consciente del milagro de sus acrobacias, para empatizar y sincronizar tu alma con su libre canto y vuelo. Es un momento que está -completo-.

Donde no necesitas nada, ni más tiempo para admirarlo, ni ganas de poseerlo… nada más que el acto de contemplar la belleza estética de la libertad misma, un instante tan puro que suspiramos por el anhelo humano espiritual de libertad y paz.

”La fidelidad por obligación, es infidelidad a ti mismo. No eres fiel por voluntad de serlo, eres fiel por ausencia de otros deseos.” -Jodorowsky

El verdadero milagro es ver en el otro, el destello de nuestro deseo de trascender, transformar y evolucionar sin límites.

Ese es el amor a la totalidad del aqui-ahora… el amor puro, libre e incondicional de toda la existencia grabada en un lapso infinito.